To Rondeslottet at 2178 m is between 3 and 4.5 hours' march from Rondvassbu. Where there is a marked route from both Bjørhollia and Rondvassbu.
Vinjeronden at 2044 m on the same trip, if you start from Rondvassbu. The route brings you the most used and the shortest. Here, go up the slight incline from the lodge to Rondavassdalen, from the end of it is strongly incline towards Vinjeronden. Some scrambling before it reached the top, but you take the time to help reach Vinjeronden okay. On top of Vinjeronden it selsvsagt good views and a 2000 meter peak is reached. So many turns here. If you choose to proceed to Rondeslottet, wait a march of 30-50 min. It involves some light scrambling, but ascend is not very steep. When the top in good weather, the view is tremendous. Jotunheimen peaks can be seen well. Rondslottets west wall plunges 700 meters straight down into Greylegs Long Valley. The route follows the route between Bjørnhollia Bjørnhollia Dørålseter and the taking of the Long Greylegs Valley. From there it is equally steep climb to the top. A third route to Rondeslottet is up from the end of the Ronde Lake. The route is not marked, but still a great route that is not particularly difficult to walk.
Storronden at 2138 m is probably the most visited peak in Rondane. The trip, marked by Rondvassbu, is 1.5 - 3 hours with straightforward climb. The route follows the same path that it Rondslottet at first, before they separated where Rondvassdalen starts. From there it is rising steadily towards the right towards the top, but be aware that you are on 3 "småtopper" before the summit is reached, so be patient, the top does not come immediately, here are the views prime, but beware of the cliff down in Long Bottom across the top, here is the loose skiffs and lodrett cliff! From the top you can also take you down the trail to Rondslottet, then follow the back and not get too far down to Rondvassdalen, where it is steep! See map. You can also follow back further toward Bjørnhollia.