Rondane national park

Rondane National Park is in all 572 km² and was created in 1962. The basis of the park is Rondane-massivet, the mountains which many regard as the finest and most beautiful in Norway. The preservation order forbids building new roads, hotels, or any other development. All the vegetation is preserved: even dead trees can not be removed as they can be used by nesting birds. Motorised transport in the park is not allowed. 
Rondane National Park is a unique mountain landscape. A large proportion of the park is over 1445 metres above sea level. There are ten peaks of more than 2000 m.Rondslottet (2178 metres above sea level) and Storronden (2138 metres above sea level) are the highest. In the whole of Rondane you will find numerous traces of the ice age. Narrow canyons, basins and great rock terraces are all reminders of the ice age.
A total of 124 different varieties of bird and 28 types of small animal have been observed in Rondane. 20 of these are native to the area. There are also 240 different types of plants to be found, as well as over 300 mosses and algi.
The wild reindeer herd in Rondane is the last purely wild reindeer herd in Norway. The reindeer have been in Rondane for thousands of years. There are many remains from old trapping activities in Rondane. You can see old trapping pits for reindeer in several places, as well as traces of ancient burial mounds and habitations. The oldest trapping sites have beed dated as year 0; the most recent were in use right up until the 1800’s. At Rondvassbu and Smuksjøseter there are trapping sites beside the path.
The reindeer’s migration routes and grazing sites are the same today as they have always been.
The preservation order on Rondane gives you as a visitor a guarantee of how the countryside here will be. But it also demands responsibility from you as our guest in your treatment of this natural treasure.

Naturen i Rondane en vakker sommerdag


Rondane Haukliseter Fjellhotell,
61 23 37 17